Monday, August 24, 2020

The Crowd at Mansion Night Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

The Crowd at Mansion Night Club - Essay Example A large portion of the individuals outside the club are youngsters though over 18 years old. The majority of the youngsters are sitting near and chatting in little tones in gatherings. Others remain close to their left vehicles in the jam-packed vehicle leave. Despite the fact that the noisy music from the club can be gotten notification from the vehicle leave, a portion of the little gatherings remaining on their vehicles have diverted on boisterous music from their lively and showy vehicles. This causes a blend of clamor from the disco corridor and music exuding from various vehicles in the vehicle leave. The night nightfall and cool temperature appear to supplement the loud music blend. Intensely constructed watches vigorously monitor the passage to the disco lobby. The watchmen are furnished with weapon locators, which they use to examine each individual before entering the corridor. The gatekeepers are so vigorously manufactured that they appear to involve the entire passageway and it is preposterous to just push through the passageway. They additionally investigate the tickets previously permitting individuals to get into the lobby. The line to the passageway is long and ends up at the far end. Individuals on the line make them thing in like manner. All individuals are wearing their best diversion furnishes the greater part of which are brilliantly shaded. The greater part of the ladies are wearing the at present elegant spaghetti tops and low-obeyed shoes. Men, then again, are wearing straight pants and energetic shoes. The disco field is completely pressed with individuals. Albeit the majority of the group is on the moving field, others have favored unwinding on the all around orchestrated seats around the moving region. The entire spot is loaded up with disco lighting and the music is exceptionally uproarious. The group on the moving field chimes in to their preferred tunes and they yell noisily at whatever point the emcee prompts them to do as such. A large portion of the individuals in the group are moving enthusiastically with the most recent moving style.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Presentation - Essay Example I have set a gathering with the m one week from now with the goal for us to talk about my marketable strategy. I accept that the utilization of meeting as a method of correspondence underlines my profound regard for the association. Notwithstanding, perceiving that the CEO and high positioning authorities are constantly distracted with significant issues in the business association, I have just constrained the gathering to 30 minutes. Along these lines, I won't be taking them excessively long from their different undertakings. I will likely acquire a measure of $50,000 payable in ten years. I accept that the most extreme worry of the speculators will be my capacity of paying them the quarterly interests and the head. Besides, they would likewise need to be educated where their store will be used. With this, my introduction will concentrate on the benefit and the activity of my separation learning establishment. Since my crowd is involved people who have picked up skill in overseeing organizations, I am constrained to represent my marketable strategy using significant business ideas. With these urgent contemplations, my introduction will be made out of three sections. ... Realizing that they are now acquainted with other separation learning new businesses, I might be concentrating on the establishments offering data innovation courses. I have just investigated data on this and discovered that the market for this administration is generally unsaturated with just ten separation learning foundations around the world. Interestingly, people looking for IT courses are mounting because of the apparent significance of innovation in business associations. I would need to accentuate that there is an enormous open door in separation learning industry explicitly in data innovation courses. I will introduce the business development and the huge patterns. In the subsequent part, I will introduce my field-tested strategy to advise them how the business will work. So as to augment the time, I might be introducing the features as got from the official outline. Extraordinary accentuation will be put on the advertising methodology, esteem chain, client assistance, and systems. I will likewise pressure the distinction of my separation learning organization with different rivals in the business. As you most likely are aware, I have taken a gander at the shortcomings of the activity of the present players and based the activity of my organization in them. I accept that this data is exceptionally pivotal to the crowd as I realize that they are likewise mulling over in putting resources into other separation learning new businesses. Finally, I will show the money related parts of the business association. To begin with, I will decide the assets expected to begin the activity including the workforce, types of gear, and showcasing materials. This is to give them a thought where their venture will be spent. Next, I will show my deals and

Friday, July 24, 2020

10 Money Facts About Thanksgiving

10 Money Facts About Thanksgiving 10 Money Facts About Thanksgiving 10 Money Facts About ThanksgivingIf youve ever wondered how much it would cost to build a giant balloon version of yourself and enter it in the Macys Day parade, then youve come to the right place, ya weirdo.Thanksgiving! A time to be thankful. And to eat. And to read weird money facts about Thanksgiving.However you decide to ingest these facts is up to you. Do you want to use them to get your appetite worked up? Or would you rather read them after you’ve eaten to help digest?Alternatively, you could read five facts before the meal and then attempt to read the rest afterward but fall asleep before you can finish.Whatever you do, we recommend that you avoid reading them at the Thanksgiving table. That would be rude. Unless it keeps you from getting into an argument with that one cousin. You know the one.1. The Turkey Terror.Around 45 to 46 million turkeys are killed for Thanksgiving in America each year. That accounted for around 18 percent of the 244.5 million turkeys raised in the United States in 2017.While those all sound like big numbers, it doesn’t come close to the numbers of chickens raised in America each year. Nearly 9 billion chickens were raised in 2017.It makes sense, really. You have to have turkey during Thanksgiving. It’s tradition. But … come on. We all know chicken is better. It’s far moister. It’s tastier. You don’t have to study ancient traditions passed down through the ages to find out how to cook it in a way that remains edible. There are only two reasons to eat turkey: Because it’s Thanksgiving or because you don’t think you deserve chicken.If you disagree, feel free to speak up in the comments. Oh, there is no comment section? Whoops!2. Let them eat expensive Thanksgiving dinner.We recently wrote about how you can save on your Thanksgiving feast, but maybe you don’t have trouble affording Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe you have so much money, you’re actually bored of spending it in responsible ways. Well, then have we g ot the Thanksgiving dinner for you!The Old Homestead Steakhouse in the Meatpacking District in Manhattan offers up Thanksgiving meals that cost around the same price as a lower end luxury car.Their 2017 menu cost $76,000. The meal was for ten people (or one very hungry cartoon illustration of a spherical pig with a top hat and monocle) and came with more than just food. Included in the extras were tickets to Hamilton, two nights in a luxury hotel, a limo to take you wherever you want to go for two days, guided tours, and a $20,000 watch. So … the actual food probably only cost like $40,000 at the most. What a bargain!And what was that food? Among other pricey items was Wagyu beef with peppercorn sauce made from $4,800-a-bottle Louis XIII cognac, sweet potatoes with caviar, and a very expensive turkey. Did any of it actually taste good enough to be worth the price? Probably not, but that isn’t really the point, is it?3. Ballooning costs.Have you ever been watching the Macy’s Th anksgiving Day Parade and wished you could see yourself as balloon flying over New York?No? Uh well, we definitely haven’t either. But we looked up how much it would cost… for your benefit, because we just thought you’d want to know.Those balloons cost around $100,000 to make and it’ll cost you another $90,000 to get it admitted into the parade. So as long as you hold on tight, you’ll only have to pay the $90,000 fee for every year after the first one.Dragon Ball’s Goku will be joining Garfield and the Pillsbury Doughboy this year, so they can all fight to see who the most powerful balloon is.4. Out of the fryer and into the fire.Do you know which day has the most home fires? Well, given the title of the list you’re reading, you probably won’t be surprised to find out that it’s Thanksgiving.The culprit? People attempting to deep fry their entire turkey. Maybe don’t try this. In 2016, fire departments across America had to respond to 1,570 home cooking fires.Sorr y, but you’ll just have to find another secret technique to make turkey edible.5. Hit the road.48.5 million Americans are expected to get in their cars to drive to their Thanksgiving destination this year. So expect some traffic. Or you could just fly. Except that …6. Hit the sky.4.27 million people are expected to fly to their Thanksgiving destination this year. So whether you’re on the road or in the airport, you’re going to have to deal with a lot of other people. Maybe you can just unilaterally declare that Thanksgiving will be at your place … But then you’ll have to actually prepare the food. It’s quite the cornucopia conundrum.7. Black Friday.Black Friday can be chaotic. We’ve already told you how you can plan your purchases to avoid overspending, but how do other Americans fare? Last year over 174 million Americans shopped online and in stores during the weekend after Thanksgiving. That’s a lot of saving and potential trampling! Except for the online shopper s. That’s just cyber trampling.8. Black Friday: Millennial Edition.Millennials seem to be killing everything these days. From diamonds to mortgages to the lottery, nothing is safe from the Millennials wrath. Surely these dastardly Millennials are also killing Black Friday, right?Wrong! Older Millennials were actually the biggest Black Friday/Cyber Monday spenders last year, spending $419.52 on average per person.To be fair, that number probably has a lot to do with the way the National Retail Federation groups Black Friday and Cyber Monday spending together, since we’ve heard that Millennials are killing brick and mortar retailers.9. Oh, cranberries!Americans just love our cranberries! We consume 400 million pounds of them per year, probably by just popping them into our mouths one by one. However, when it comes to Thanksgiving, you gotta have the cranberry sauce, which is why every year Americans buy 20 percent of those 400 million cranberries in the week leading up to Thanksgi ving.10. Are you ready for some Cowboys?!Sadly the Dallas Cowboys just don’t get a rest on Thanksgiving. They always play a Thanksgiving game, and it’s always the most watched bout of the NFL regular season.Last year, however, ratings took a dip, due to a contract dispute between Dish Network and CBS that left millions of potential viewers unable to watch.Now those are some facts to be thankful for! Eat up, and read up! And if this post has tickled your fun financial trivia bone, you can also check out these related posts from OppLoans:25 Little-Known Presidential Money FactsThe Secret Financial History of Voting33 Fun Tax Facts!The 12 Worst Financial Scandals In HistoryWhat are your favorite facts about Thanksgiving? We want to hear from you! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Graphics in Business Writing, Technical Communication

In business writing and technical communication, graphics are used as  visual representations to support the text in a report, proposal, set of instructions, or similar documents. Types of graphics include charts, diagrams, drawings, figures, graphs, maps, photographs, and tables. Etymology:  From the Greek, writing Successful visuals integrate substance, statistics, and design to achieve four principles: clarity, precision, efficiency, and integrity. The best visuals give the viewer the greatest number of ideas as quickly as possible in the least amount of space.(John M. Penrose, Robert W. Rasberry, and Robert J. Myers, Business Communication for Managers: An Advanced Approach, 5th ed. Thomson, 2004) Criteria for Effective Graphics Whether hand drawn or computer generated, successful tables and figures have these characteristics (From Sharon Gerson and Steven Gerson, Technical Writing: Process and Product, 5th ed. Pearson, 2006): Are integrated with the text (i.e., the graphic complements the text; the text explains the graphic).Are appropriately located (preferably immediately following the text referring to the graphic and not a page or pages later).Add to the material explained in the text (without being redundant).Communicate important information that could not be conveyed easily in a paragraph or longer text.Do not contain details that detract from rather than enhance the information.Are an effective size (not too small or too large).Are neatly printed to be readable.Are correctly labeled (with legends, headings, and titles).Follow the style of other figures or tables in the text.Are well conceived and carefully executed. Benefits of Graphics Graphics offer benefits that words alone cannot: Graphics are indispensable in demonstrating logical and numerical relationships[. . .]Graphics can communicate spatial information more effectively than words alone.Graphics can communicate steps in a process more effectively than words alone[. . .]Graphics can save space[. . .]Graphics can reduce the cost of documents intended for international readers. . . . As you plan and draft your document, look for opportunities to use graphics to clarify, emphasize, and organize information.(Mike Markel, Technical Communication, 9th ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2010) Also Known As: visual aids, visuals

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Examples Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird - 774 Words

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird racism is a big theme and is relevant between whites and blacks throughout the story. Racism is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race, according to Merriam-Webster. But not just in the novel is racism present. Also the United States had and still has a problem with racism. And America will never achieve racial, but also social, equality. African American always had difficulties through time. First They there brought to the United States to serve as slaves. Later They were treated like second class people. 72% of the people lynched in america through†¦show more content†¦Also fewer black students make it from enrollment to graduation ,according to U.S. News, and, for the ones that do, graduation takes longer for them. Spending more time in college means paying more money for it and having more debt. Another In the United States are huge differences in the job business. In the 20th century the average woman earned about 60% of what the average man earned. Through the time period of the late 1970s to the early 2000s the average woman income increased to about 80% of what the average man earned according to Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. And since 2005 it stayed unchanged. This could be caused by the occupational sex segregation, women and men tend to work in different job occupations. The professions fields with higher percentage of males working are the jobs with higher earnings. For example almost 100% of the Preschool teachers are female and almost all mechanical engineers are male, according to an article from U.S. News. Preschool teachers just earn about half of the money the mechanical engineers earn. There is a possible way america could achieve social and racial equality if the United States turn into a communist country. Communism comes from the latin word communis, that means together. Everyone would be equal and has the same rights and the same life. The government owns everything and gives the people jobs, houses and allShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird741 Words   |  3 PagesTo Kill A Mockingbird Essay Assignment: Topic 2 To Kill a Mockingbird took place during the 1930s, a period shortly after the American civil war in Maycomb County, Alabama, the deep south where black people suffered from racism and discrimination. In this book, Tom Robinson was accused of raping a white woman, which was something that he’s never done, even though all the evidence proved that he did not violate that white woman, Tom was judged guilty because he was a black man. Racism is presentedRead MoreExamples Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird1249 Words   |  5 Pagesneeded jobs besides themselves. They just could not take the change that was happening and that is when racism started, which then lead to mobs, which then also lead to the unfortunate event of the Scottsboro trials. The first connection to America’s actual history is the presence of the Jim Crow laws in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The Jim Crow Laws were unfair and dumb. Some examples would be the law about blacks having sexual intercourse with whites. The whites believed that it would createRead MoreExamples Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird795 Words   |  4 PagesIn the book To Kill a Mockingbird it shows a man being wrongfully tried in a court of law and is not judged on the crime or the evidence that is given but only by the color of his skin. This is seen with Tom Robinson with his skin color, Atticus because he’s trying to treat every human being equally, and Boo Radley is judged because he never comes out of his house. Racism is a terrible thing and in this book it shows how it can affect someones life and even thoughts. For example Tom Robinson isRead MoreExamples Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1142 Words   |  5 Pages Harper Lee wrote To Kill A Mockingbird during a time where racism was prevalent. The book highlights many different ways racism occurred. It also shows what growing up as a child, in this case specifically a young girl, is like in the south during the time of the great depression. Within the first three chapters alone Harper Lee make a great example of the struggles of money many families had and how it impacted even the children. In an early part of chapter two Scout says â€Å"Miss Caroline, he’sRead MoreWhy Is Innocence Becomes Experience?1225 Words   |  5 PagesIn To Kill A Mockingbird there are several reason why innocence becomes experience. stated â€Å"Between ages 5 and 11, the researchers found, children become aware that many people believe stereotypes, including stereotypes about academic ability. When children become aware of these types of bias about their own racial or ethnic group, it can affect how they respond to everyday situations.† This shows that Scout and Jem are in a time of their lives when racism will take effect. Not only becauseRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee913 Words   |  4 PagesIn Defense of To Kill A Mockingbird Rough Draft To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has been banned and/or challenged over thirty times since its publication in 1960. Effectively preventing many students from enjoying the novel and benefitting from its message. To ignore racism is no different than denying it ever existed. To Kill a Mockingbird is appropriate for mature adolescence/students and should not be banned from schools. Despite its sexual related content, or profanity, a valuable lessonRead MoreAnalysis Of Harper Lee s Kill A Mockingbird 1491 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lee’s ​ To Kill a Mockingbird ​ is a critically acclaimed, Pulitzer Prize winning novel that instantly attained its position as one of the greatest literary classics (Editors).The story of Scout Finch’s childhood has become one of the most notable narratives that addresses controversial issues present in the early 20th century. Lee’s novel depicts themes of race, justice, and innocence throughout the novel. Although ​ To Kill a Mockingbird​ is regarded as a literary masterpiece in AmericanRead MoreImpact Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird910 Words   |  4 PagesIn Harper Lee’s book â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Jem , Scout , and Dill live in Maycomb , Alabama around the time of the 1930’s they all were struggling through racism and poor family’s trying to get by. Harper Lee’s first and only novel â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird† was published during the civil right movements. In this book Jem, Scout, and Dill tend to have courage and loyalty through life and in their relationship toward one another . Jem and Scout are brother and sister, Dill is a friend of the familyRead More Racism in Literature Essay1144 Words   |  5 PagesRacism, a disease of the ignorant, is a horrific part of society, and has reared its ugly head throughout history, and is continuing to do the same today. Racism comes in many shapes and forms, directed towards a variation of cultures. It can end lives and tear communities apart. Often times, there are people who see racism, and are inspired to write about it, with the goal in mind to make a difference and change societies belief. Abel Meeropol and Harper Lee had that goal in common, when writingRead MoreThe South : Controversial Topics On Harper Lee s Kill A Mockingbird1475 Words   |  6 Pagesin Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is a critically acclaimed, Pulitzer Prize winning novel that instantly attained its position as one of the greatest literary classics (Editors).The story of Scout Finch’s childhood has become one of the most notable narratives that addresses controversial issues present in the early 20th century. Lee’s novel depicts themes of race, justice, and innocence throughout the novel. Although To Kill a Mockingbird is regarded as a literary

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Keynesian vs Monetarist Economy Free Essays

Economics for Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Keynesians versus Monetarists Faculty responsible: J. Heller Ismail EL HASSANI Humanity has known in its history long periods of growth with the Agrarian Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Oil era and now the Information’s one. From the last period of sustained growth is born the myth of continuous and eternal growth. We will write a custom essay sample on Keynesian vs Monetarist Economy or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the scarcity of natural resources and the awareness of the negative effects of economic activities suggest that humanity may live a long period of stagnation. In fact, it has already experienced long periods of recession. That is the reason why we should prepare ourselves to sustain growth rather than calling it as our ancestors called rain. In order to achieve this goal, we can follow different economic philosophies such as Keynesianism or Monetarist economies. In this work, we will focus more on Keynesianism. Firstly, we will discover the history of this theory and then define it. In addition, we will analyse and describe all the components of this theory. Finally, we will be comparing the two approaches to demonstrate that Keynesianism is much more effective and brings more advantages than Monetarists. John Maynard Keynes was born in England in 1883 until his death in April 1946. Keynes was certainly the greatest economist of the twentieth century (Clark, 2008). Even today he returns often in the foreground: the known subprime financial crisis in late 2009 led a great business newspaper to elect him â€Å"Man of the Year† (Diever, 2010). Keynes’ thinking was very different from the others, this is the main reason his thoughts were terribly combated by anti-Keynesian. However it is still standing until our day while periods of economic crisis have put his theory in the spotlight again (Diever, 2010). Because it was not only an economist but also a philosopher, mathematician, man of letters, arts and culture, John Maynard Keynes was able to equal in the previous century Karl Marx, Francois Quesnay in the eighteenth or William Petty in the seventeenth. He managed to dominate the economics of his time, knead it, model it, then transformed and enhanced it in the hands of the generations following. He has been for a long time in the protective shadow of Alfred Marshall, the great apostle of market equilibrium; But once out of the traditional ideologies, he runs through his own path with an impressive force. He wrote the book known as â€Å"The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money†, which was published in London in 1936. It is the main work of John Maynard Keynes , The General Theory which contain 24 chapters is primarily a theory of employment. It was very well received in 1936 because it offered a plausible solution to the distressing problem of unemployment (unemployment rate of over 10% in Britain) . The general theory aims to present the operation of the economic system as a whole (also called economic circuit). We can then say that Keynes theory is in a macro-economic level (Pettinger , 2008). The principle of his economic approach was based on a logic and circular flow of money; when the expenses increase, revenues increase as well, which will lead to more spending that will result once again for more income. This flow of money is simple to understand, and to Keynes, the key is to spend. Indeed, each person spending causes the benefit of another person; and the person who perceived the money will in her turn spend it, which will go towards the benefit of a third person, and so on †¦ After the first signs of the Great Depression in 1929, the nature of people have led them amass their money and let him sleep for fear of being in need. This has lead to a decrease in spending and hence lower flow circulation. In doing so, we maintain the economy at a standstill and depression bursts. Following Keynes’ theory, in order to overcome a critical economic situation, it is necessary for the government to intervene. In fact, his theory advocates of government financial interventions by increasing the money supply or investing in the country (Pettinger , 2008). But unfortunately, during the Great Depression, it was not one of the most popular solutions. Keynes thought about involving the government is very different from the popular economic thought, which preceded it. Basically, Keynesianism is against the practice of excessive savings and not enough spending or consumption in an economy. Today people who are saying they are Keynesians are more or less those who are in favour of the state intervening in the economy while monetarists’ aim set on providing stability to the system by controlling the money supply (DeNardo, 2008). On one hand, Keynes provoked a revolution in economic. His theory became to be very positively received, because it could explain why during the economy of the Great Recession there was still unemployment; a fact that a basic economy could not explain. It is in this context that Keynes became very popular. In fact, previously in economics the classical argument would have been: while facing economic condition, the salary will drop as well as the cost of work, and people will automatically get employed again. On the other hand, there are two types of Keynesians: fiscal Keynesians and monetarist Keynesians. We believe that fiscal Keynesians are more close to the idea of Keynes, which explain that in a period of a downturn in a recession, the State can take over the investment function by investing itself like an entrepreneur (Jeremy, 2011). The most recent example of such a Keynesian approach to the economy will be the State plans of china during 2008 downturn, in which the State has really employed a lot of people to build bridges airports, roads etc†¦ However, to be effective, the state intervention should not create more risks for the economy than it provokes benefits by employing more people. Meaning that a State, which is already in debt, will not be advised to use such an approach. It will create such a negative outlook for the fiscal side of the economy (Pettinger , 2008). Then the individual local entrepreneurs would stop any investments for their businesses and would definitely not invest on new projects. Indeed, the drawbacks of going more into debt to make the State an employer can very easily out ways the benefits of employing more people in a downturn (Jeremy, 2011). In Western Europe for example, they have lost this capacity of applying this type of Keynesian approach. Most of them have more than 80 % of debt in GDP and already facing a lot of dangers in the financial market (Gerald , 2009). Nevertheless, The monetarist Keynesians type is a useful way to use Keynes theory without government spending; they have lost the fiscal ability to intervene. In fact, this type of approach calls the use of the Central Banks or the Federal Reserve (U. S. A) to buy treasury bunds from the government and print more money to increase the activity. Completely at the opposite Spectrum of Keynesians who wants to intervene within an economy, these are called monetarists. They believe that money is neutral, meaning that it is not because you double the amount of money in an economy that you will be producing more (Cowen, 2012). Each unit of money that you are doubled will be worth for the economy by creating the phenomenon of inflation. Thus the role of authorities is very reduced. Friedman, who is the leader of this ideology, will be advocating the stable growth in the money supply, which means that the Central Banks have to maintain a regular rate (Cowen, 2012). However, we found that Friedman’s assumption is false. First, Professor M. Friedman is most famous for the following equation: MV =PT; where M equal Money, V was representative of the Volacity, P equal Prices and T represented Transactions (DeNardo, 2008). Most people think that this formula was his contribution to the monetary theory and he was very famous for this. However, during our research we discovered that many economics before Friedman used this formula. In addition to that, following his monetary theory, it is possible to control the money supply so that you can affect the performance of the economy; that the instability in the money supply is responsible for recessions and depressions. Today, the events of the 2008 recession have proven that Friedman’s assumption of controlling the money supply is a false one. Indeed, we all know that bank lending is the key to money supply. However, nowadays the banks do not trust each other, and they refuse to lend to each other. Without lending, this is clear that the money supply will decrease indefinitely. The principal consequences of this approach will be the reduction of velocity of money as people do fewer transactions. This decrease in velocity and money supply will lead consumers to do fewer purchases and businessmen fewer investments. It was proven in the 1930s in America, which was called liquidity trap. To conclude, we can say that both economies have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the Keynesian one seems more applicable nowadays in some countries in order to overcome this recession and sustain a growth. Few decades before, it was said that most economic theories, including Monetarists, were preaching individualism, competition and non-intervention of the State. The sovereign functions (Police, Army, Justice), the construction of public edifices, the respect of competition’s rules were their principal matters at that time. The historical reality is however different: back in the days during the Industrial Revolution, the State intervened in many countries to ensure the â€Å"takeoff† of their economy. In France, the State intervened in the development of railways and agriculture (tariffs Meline 1896). England adopted the Act Enclosures for agricultural land. The U. S. intervened in the development of the railway. Germany established protectionist measures with Frederic List (1789-1846). Finally in Japan, during the Meiji era (1868), the State created the first companies in order to sell them to families after, â€Å"Zaibatsus† (Gerald , 2009). Moreover, after the crisis of 1929, the New Deal was an important ideological impact in the United States with a significant change in the conception of the role of the state: the state becomes interventionnist. (Gerald , 2009) We can consider that Keynesians’ believes and thoughts were always adopted in some of the rude moments of our economic history. Despite some difficulties, it have always brought positive results to the evolution of the economy; and we all remember John Maynard Keynes as the most remarkable economists of the history. As far as we are concerned, we strongly believe that the Keynesian theory, depiste its disadvantages, brings more benefits to the society and to people’s lives. After his death, Keynes’ ideas were preached by his disciples; the mistake was to carry on the same methods during the post war situation and not try to adapt these methods in order to meat with the current circumstances and avoid another recession. REFERENCES  : Gerald, M. (2009, 04 27). Les politiques economiques. Retrieved from http://www. skyminds. net/economie-et-sociologie/la-regulation-des-activites-sociales/les-politiques-economiques/ Clark, J. M. (2008, 12 09). John maynard keynes. Retrieved from http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/John_Maynard_Keynes DeNardo, G. (2008, 12 07). Mv=pt a classic equation and monetary policy. Retrieved from http://www. nolanchart. com/article5583-mvpt-a-classic-equation-and-monetary-policy. tml Cowen, T. (2012, 07 30). Business cycles explained: Monetarist theory. Retrieved from http://learnliberty. org/videos/business-cycles-explained-monetarist-theory Pettinger , T. (2008, 12 30). Keynesianism vs monetarism. Retrieved from http://www. economicshelp. org/blog/1113/concepts/keynesianism-vs-monetarism/ Diever, M. (2010). Les principaux courants de pensee economique. Retrieved from http://www. oeconomia. net/private/cours/economiegenerale/CAPET/01. theorieseconomiques. pdf How to cite Keynesian vs Monetarist Economy, Papers Keynesian vs Monetarist Economy Free Essays Economics for Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Keynesians versus Monetarists Faculty responsible: J. Heller Ismail EL HASSANI Humanity has known in its history long periods of growth with the Agrarian Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Oil era and now the Information’s one. From the last period of sustained growth is born the myth of continuous and eternal growth. We will write a custom essay sample on Keynesian vs Monetarist Economy or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the scarcity of natural resources and the awareness of the negative effects of economic activities suggest that humanity may live a long period of stagnation. In fact, it has already experienced long periods of recession. That is the reason why we should prepare ourselves to sustain growth rather than calling it as our ancestors called rain. In order to achieve this goal, we can follow different economic philosophies such as Keynesianism or Monetarist economies. In this work, we will focus more on Keynesianism. Firstly, we will discover the history of this theory and then define it. In addition, we will analyse and describe all the components of this theory. Finally, we will be comparing the two approaches to demonstrate that Keynesianism is much more effective and brings more advantages than Monetarists. John Maynard Keynes was born in England in 1883 until his death in April 1946. Keynes was certainly the greatest economist of the twentieth century (Clark, 2008). Even today he returns often in the foreground: the known subprime financial crisis in late 2009 led a great business newspaper to elect him â€Å"Man of the Year† (Diever, 2010). Keynes’ thinking was very different from the others, this is the main reason his thoughts were terribly combated by anti-Keynesian. However it is still standing until our day while periods of economic crisis have put his theory in the spotlight again (Diever, 2010). Because it was not only an economist but also a philosopher, mathematician, man of letters, arts and culture, John Maynard Keynes was able to equal in the previous century Karl Marx, Francois Quesnay in the eighteenth or William Petty in the seventeenth. He managed to dominate the economics of his time, knead it, model it, then transformed and enhanced it in the hands of the generations following. He has been for a long time in the protective shadow of Alfred Marshall, the great apostle of market equilibrium; But once out of the traditional ideologies, he runs through his own path with an impressive force. He wrote the book known as â€Å"The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money†, which was published in London in 1936. It is the main work of John Maynard Keynes , The General Theory which contain 24 chapters is primarily a theory of employment. It was very well received in 1936 because it offered a plausible solution to the distressing problem of unemployment (unemployment rate of over 10% in Britain) . The general theory aims to present the operation of the economic system as a whole (also called economic circuit). We can then say that Keynes theory is in a macro-economic level (Pettinger , 2008). The principle of his economic approach was based on a logic and circular flow of money; when the expenses increase, revenues increase as well, which will lead to more spending that will result once again for more income. This flow of money is simple to understand, and to Keynes, the key is to spend. Indeed, each person spending causes the benefit of another person; and the person who perceived the money will in her turn spend it, which will go towards the benefit of a third person, and so on †¦ After the first signs of the Great Depression in 1929, the nature of people have led them amass their money and let him sleep for fear of being in need. This has lead to a decrease in spending and hence lower flow circulation. In doing so, we maintain the economy at a standstill and depression bursts. Following Keynes’ theory, in order to overcome a critical economic situation, it is necessary for the government to intervene. In fact, his theory advocates of government financial interventions by increasing the money supply or investing in the country (Pettinger , 2008). But unfortunately, during the Great Depression, it was not one of the most popular solutions. Keynes thought about involving the government is very different from the popular economic thought, which preceded it. Basically, Keynesianism is against the practice of excessive savings and not enough spending or consumption in an economy. Today people who are saying they are Keynesians are more or less those who are in favour of the state intervening in the economy while monetarists’ aim set on providing stability to the system by controlling the money supply (DeNardo, 2008). On one hand, Keynes provoked a revolution in economic. His theory became to be very positively received, because it could explain why during the economy of the Great Recession there was still unemployment; a fact that a basic economy could not explain. It is in this context that Keynes became very popular. In fact, previously in economics the classical argument would have been: while facing economic condition, the salary will drop as well as the cost of work, and people will automatically get employed again. On the other hand, there are two types of Keynesians: fiscal Keynesians and monetarist Keynesians. We believe that fiscal Keynesians are more close to the idea of Keynes, which explain that in a period of a downturn in a recession, the State can take over the investment function by investing itself like an entrepreneur (Jeremy, 2011). The most recent example of such a Keynesian approach to the economy will be the State plans of china during 2008 downturn, in which the State has really employed a lot of people to build bridges airports, roads etc†¦ However, to be effective, the state intervention should not create more risks for the economy than it provokes benefits by employing more people. Meaning that a State, which is already in debt, will not be advised to use such an approach. It will create such a negative outlook for the fiscal side of the economy (Pettinger , 2008). Then the individual local entrepreneurs would stop any investments for their businesses and would definitely not invest on new projects. Indeed, the drawbacks of going more into debt to make the State an employer can very easily out ways the benefits of employing more people in a downturn (Jeremy, 2011). In Western Europe for example, they have lost this capacity of applying this type of Keynesian approach. Most of them have more than 80 % of debt in GDP and already facing a lot of dangers in the financial market (Gerald , 2009). Nevertheless, The monetarist Keynesians type is a useful way to use Keynes theory without government spending; they have lost the fiscal ability to intervene. In fact, this type of approach calls the use of the Central Banks or the Federal Reserve (U. S. A) to buy treasury bunds from the government and print more money to increase the activity. Completely at the opposite Spectrum of Keynesians who wants to intervene within an economy, these are called monetarists. They believe that money is neutral, meaning that it is not because you double the amount of money in an economy that you will be producing more (Cowen, 2012). Each unit of money that you are doubled will be worth for the economy by creating the phenomenon of inflation. Thus the role of authorities is very reduced. Friedman, who is the leader of this ideology, will be advocating the stable growth in the money supply, which means that the Central Banks have to maintain a regular rate (Cowen, 2012). However, we found that Friedman’s assumption is false. First, Professor M. Friedman is most famous for the following equation: MV =PT; where M equal Money, V was representative of the Volacity, P equal Prices and T represented Transactions (DeNardo, 2008). Most people think that this formula was his contribution to the monetary theory and he was very famous for this. However, during our research we discovered that many economics before Friedman used this formula. In addition to that, following his monetary theory, it is possible to control the money supply so that you can affect the performance of the economy; that the instability in the money supply is responsible for recessions and depressions. Today, the events of the 2008 recession have proven that Friedman’s assumption of controlling the money supply is a false one. Indeed, we all know that bank lending is the key to money supply. However, nowadays the banks do not trust each other, and they refuse to lend to each other. Without lending, this is clear that the money supply will decrease indefinitely. The principal consequences of this approach will be the reduction of velocity of money as people do fewer transactions. This decrease in velocity and money supply will lead consumers to do fewer purchases and businessmen fewer investments. It was proven in the 1930s in America, which was called liquidity trap. To conclude, we can say that both economies have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the Keynesian one seems more applicable nowadays in some countries in order to overcome this recession and sustain a growth. Few decades before, it was said that most economic theories, including Monetarists, were preaching individualism, competition and non-intervention of the State. The sovereign functions (Police, Army, Justice), the construction of public edifices, the respect of competition’s rules were their principal matters at that time. The historical reality is however different: back in the days during the Industrial Revolution, the State intervened in many countries to ensure the â€Å"takeoff† of their economy. In France, the State intervened in the development of railways and agriculture (tariffs Meline 1896). England adopted the Act Enclosures for agricultural land. The U. S. intervened in the development of the railway. Germany established protectionist measures with Frederic List (1789-1846). Finally in Japan, during the Meiji era (1868), the State created the first companies in order to sell them to families after, â€Å"Zaibatsus† (Gerald , 2009). Moreover, after the crisis of 1929, the New Deal was an important ideological impact in the United States with a significant change in the conception of the role of the state: the state becomes interventionnist. (Gerald , 2009) We can consider that Keynesians’ believes and thoughts were always adopted in some of the rude moments of our economic history. Despite some difficulties, it have always brought positive results to the evolution of the economy; and we all remember John Maynard Keynes as the most remarkable economists of the history. As far as we are concerned, we strongly believe that the Keynesian theory, depiste its disadvantages, brings more benefits to the society and to people’s lives. After his death, Keynes’ ideas were preached by his disciples; the mistake was to carry on the same methods during the post war situation and not try to adapt these methods in order to meat with the current circumstances and avoid another recession. REFERENCES  : Gerald, M. (2009, 04 27). Les politiques economiques. Retrieved from http://www. skyminds. net/economie-et-sociologie/la-regulation-des-activites-sociales/les-politiques-economiques/ Clark, J. M. (2008, 12 09). John maynard keynes. Retrieved from http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/John_Maynard_Keynes DeNardo, G. (2008, 12 07). Mv=pt a classic equation and monetary policy. Retrieved from http://www. nolanchart. com/article5583-mvpt-a-classic-equation-and-monetary-policy. tml Cowen, T. (2012, 07 30). Business cycles explained: Monetarist theory. Retrieved from http://learnliberty. org/videos/business-cycles-explained-monetarist-theory Pettinger , T. (2008, 12 30). Keynesianism vs monetarism. Retrieved from http://www. economicshelp. org/blog/1113/concepts/keynesianism-vs-monetarism/ Diever, M. (2010). Les principaux courants de pensee economique. Retrieved from http://www. oeconomia. net/private/cours/economiegenerale/CAPET/01. theorieseconomiques. pdf How to cite Keynesian vs Monetarist Economy, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Symbolic Landscape Essay Example For Students

Symbolic Landscape Essay The grand work of art looms before me and I am taken aback by its unusual form, yet struck by its very expressive nature. Symbolic Landscape by Diego Rivera definitely makes its powerful presence in the room just as the artist forever made a mark in time as a man who pushed the political and social limits of his time through his art work and murals. Although the painting described in this paper is powerful and makes a bold statement, as many of his works do, it stands quite separated from the others in the ideas that it represents. We can get a good background of this piece by looking to the circumstances in his life that were concerning him at the time of its conception. After an eleven-year marriage to Frida Kahlo, a renowned painter and Mexican icon, they divorce and Rivera is quite saddened. Many call her the love of his life and Symbolic Landscape presents a very poetic view of the circumstance through symbols of the natural landscape. The piece itself measures 47 7/8 by 60 1/8 and is wider than it is tall, just as all landscapes are. We will write a custom essay on Symbolic Landscape specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Emerging from the lower right corner is a fallen tree that almost comes alive as it bends and twists its way into the center of the painting. It takes on the sensuous shape of a womans torso with her back arched in intense emotion. The bark of the tree is extremely smooth and flows untouched until the very bottom where the rough underside is visible. Surrounding the tree and encompassing her on all sides is rough and jagged stone. The stone takes on many shapes including a mans face and tightly gripped fists, with one on either side of the trapped tree. The furrowed brow and clenched teeth of the stone face possess two very symbolic objects. A bloody knife with a wedding band slipped over its hideous blade, and a leather glove seems reminiscent of a dirty deed and altogether out of place in the otherwise all natural landscape. Far off in the distance, a full moon watches over the scene, which appears forever captive in its position and at eternal dusk. The colors of the objects in the painting are very natural to the landscape, yet expressive at the same time. The fallen tree takes on the natural tans of wood, yet it seems to glow with warmth and light, turning it into a golden color. The beautiful contours of the womanly figure in the wood are accentuated by this warm color making the viewer feel as if the tree is actually alive. The stones are a chilling gray and blue, and although they are true to color, they possess so much emotion. The stone hands and face in their expressive display of anger and strife are only heightened by the cold and unfeeling color of the stone. The cool blue sky in the far distance, which holds the eerie full moon, is very cold as well, almost turning the rocky terrain into the arctic expanse. The space in the artwork is quite crowded and filled in the foreground, yet it smoothes out towards the distance. In the foreground, the fallen tree comes right out at the viewer; it is larger than anything else and is definitely the most important aspect of the painting. The stones that hold the hands and the face are crowded in around the tree in the foreground. Yet, the other unmarked stones recede calmly and smoothly into the distance, which only accentuate the importance of the objects in the foreground. These unmarked stones make an eternal journey towards the horizon, making the landscape appear as if it continues on forever.