Saturday, February 15, 2020

Critical Thinking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Thinking - Assignment Example There are also some disadvantages to relying solely on this method for research. Certain databases specialize in only certain disciplines. ERIC, for example, might not have some relevant research articles about a given topic in one area that another database might have. As a consequence, the researcher will need to locate several different databases in an effort to ensure they are getting the most quality and accurate research available (Ashford University Library, 2013). In addition, relying solely on computer databases negates being able to find some sources that might not be digitized yet. There is still value in printed work, so rely exclusively on the computer might be counterproductive in some cases. When locating sources, it is often important to not rely solely on information contained in the abstracts. In such cases, it is wise to go back to the original source as referenced in the article. This is due largely to the idea that abstracts often contain the author’s poin t of view, or opinion, about what they have researched. This is great, as that the basis behind primary and peer-reviewed sources, yet they may not be interpreting the original source the same way another person would. ... Some examples of secondary sources include diaries, interview, pamphlets, and personal narratives. While these are not necessarily considered scholarly sources, they do give the researcher a deeper and more informed perspective of the topic being studied. In addition, such secondary sources can lead to a primary source. In essence, secondary sources can be seen as a springboard to the project. They guide the researcher and can se him or her on the correct path in terms of looking for reliable information that can greatly assist in the note-taking process. A major limitation of secondary sources is that they can be full of bias. It is often to discern fact from opinion when examining such sources, as the author does not always support the findings contained in the report. In addition, some secondary sources are merely one person’s account of certain events, and they might not take into consideration an opposing viewpoint (Mertler and Charles, 2011). The majority of research inf ormation will likely come from a primary source. Such references are studies or works that were actually completed during the time period under study. These can include replicated research projects, or entirely new studies, designed to expound on earlier research. The key component to a primary source is that that writing contained in the material is new information and draws conclusion not previously published. These can include diaries that are first-hand eyewitness accounts of certain events, historical documents, and journal articles that point out new research or findings (Salilnas, Bellows, and Liaw, 2011, p. 185). Technology has certainly made our lives easier in many respects, and this includes the research process. It

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Long-term exposure to fine particulate and health Research Proposal

Long-term exposure to fine particulate and health - Research Proposal Example There are various crucial problems that might arise due to the occurrence of dust storms. One of the imperative problems related with the occurrence of dust storms is the increased level of traffic accidents (Akbari, â€Å"Dust storms, Sources in the Middle East and Economic Model for Survey It s Impacts†). Furthermore, the other problems include diminished soil fertility, damage to crops as well as telecommunication systems, lessening of solar radiation, increased air pollution and most significantly augmented respiratory or cardiovascular diseases (Kutiel and Furman, â€Å"Dust Storms in the Middle East: Sources of Origin and their Temporal Characteristics†). In relation to the incident of dust storms, it has been viewed that dust storms are regarded to be one of the major kinds of tropospheric aerosol which significantly affects both terrestrial as well as solar radiation (Washington, Todd, Middleton and Goudie, â€Å"Dust-Storm Source Areas Determined by the Total Ozone Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Observations†). Moreover, dust storms are also considered to be a natural risk that can broadly affect the daily life of an individual by a considerable level. With regard to the short-term impact of the dust storms, in recent times a large proportion of respiratory problems and asthmatics have been observed in certain parts of Saudi Arabia. The region experienced the occurrence of a strong dust storm in the year 2009 that severely affected the air quality as well as visibility and caused significant damages to several buildings and power poles (Maghrabi, Alharbi and Tapper, â€Å"Impact Of the March 2009 dust event in Saudi Arabia on aerosol optical Properties, Meteorological Parameters, Sky temperature and emissivity†). This particular proposed research focuses upon the interrelation between long-term exposure to fine particulate from dust storms and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. In relation to the problem statemen t, it can be affirmed that the fine particulate emerging from the incidence of dust storms ultimately gives rise to increased level of air pollution which in turn results in cardiovascular diseases in Saudi Arabia. The chief reasons for occurrence of dust storms and augmented level of cardiovascular diseases especially in the region of Saudi Arabia include lack of suitable plant coverage, reduction in air humidity as well as precipitation, destruction of the forest areas and varying air pressure. Moreover, the other important reasons comprise incessant climate change, existence of large number of deserts and differences in the levels of rainfall. These major reasons ultimately create dust storms which in turn results in occurrence of traffic accidents and environmental problems in Saudi Arabia (Maghrabi, Alharbi and Tapper, â€Å"Impact Of the March 2009 dust event in Saudi Arabia on aerosol optical Properties, Meteorological Parameters, Sky temperature and emissivity†). 2. L iterature Review According to Al-Dabbas, Abbas and Al-Khafaji, dust storms are persistent problems in Saudi Arabia. These dust storms impose adverse effect upon the heath of human life that can cause various severe diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and lung as well as cardiovascular diseases by a significant level due to its carrying of fine sharp edged particles and micro-organisms.