Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Theorizing globalization (Doughlas Kellner) Essay - 693 Words

Introduction: Kellner’s essay is a theoretical articulation of the transformations in global economy, politics, and culture made possible through the reciprocal relationship between technological and communicative revolutions and the global restructuring of capitalism. He hopes to understand globalization as a dialectic between the progressive and emancipatory features and negative attributes. His articulation of globalization also recognizes that change in globalized systems is not only imposed from above but can also be contested and reconfigured from below. Taking all of these elements into account, Keller argues for an understanding of globalization that moves beyond technological and economic optics toward an understanding of†¦show more content†¦To understand this contradiction, Kellner relies on two definitions of globalization: from above and from below. To illustrate his point, Kellner uses the internet as an example. For a globalization from below definition, Kellne r notes how the internet was used to mobilize resistance to the WTO meeting in Seattle in 1999. In addition, the internet also provided critical coverage of the protests that weren’t given any time by corporate networks. Yet, at the same time, the Internet is progressively colonized by private interests that impose a capitalist logic – a globalization from above. Movements From 2001, The global movement against capitalism has worsened in many developing country. This theory focuses post structuralism, post modernism and multi culture. In global movement Internet is used in various factors, for example, corporate capitalism against NTO in 1999. The extremists use websites to gather themselves. The attack on 9/11 could happen only because of their frustration against globalization. In 2000, The Seattle demonstrations were followed by struggles in Washington. In may 2002 another surprisingly large demonstration took place in Washington. Evaluation: Kellner has discussed about the effects and growth of globalization but has not shown the clear view of the movements against it. However, the basic materials

Monday, December 23, 2019

Case 10-11 Solution Essay - 1849 Words

1. Is Eye Vision’s arrangement with Holland Hospital within the scope of ASC 985-605, Software: Revenue Recognition? In this case, the main content of the Eye Vision’s arrangement with Holland Hospital include embedded software medical equipment and an initial option to purchase a two-year separately priced maintenance agreement. In this case, becauseâ€Å"Eye Vision has never sold, nor does it offer to sell, the Clear View Laser without the embedded software because the software is necessary to perform the medical procedures for which the laser is intended†, and â€Å"Eye Vision has never sold, nor does it offer to sell, the Clear View Laser without the embedded software because the software is necessary to perform the medical procedures for†¦show more content†¦Based on ASC 605-25-25-5 of FASB, there are two conditions should be met if the delivered item or items shall be considered a separate unit of accounting. One is that the delivered item or items have value to the customer on a standalone basis. Another one is the consideration of the general right of return relative to the delivered item, if there is a general right of return relative to the delivered item, delivery or performance of the undelivered item or items is considered probable and substantially in the control of the vendor. Based on an evaluation of the circumstances, the first condition for separation is met for the Clear View Laser with the embedded software. That is, the Clear View Laser with the embedded software has value on a standalone basis because it is sold separately by Eye Vision Inc. The second condition is also met because there are no general rights of return in this arrangement. Therefore, the Clear View Laser with the embedded software and the two-year separately priced maintenance services should be accounted for as separate units of accounting. References from FASB codification ASC 605-25-25-5 In an arrangement with multiple deliverables, the delivered item or items shall be considered a separate unit of accounting if both of the following criteria are met: a. The delivered item or items have value to the customer on a standalone basis. The item or items have value on a standalone basis if they areShow MoreRelatedDetermination of Calcium Ions in Milk Using Titration1299 Words   |  6 Pagesmilk. Also to compare two different types of milk’s calcium content. For this I shall be using full fat milk and semi skimmed milk, to discover which, if either have a higher content of calcium. The amount of calcium in a solution can be determined using titration. In this case it will be complexometric titration against EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid). EDTA is a hexaprotic acid, meaning that each of the amines nitrogen’s and each of the acid’s oxygen’s can donate one electron pair. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Durga Puja Free Essays

Durga Puja Durga Puja is performed during the autumn season every year. For the Hindus, it is the greatest festival. The puja is held for the three consecutive days: the Saptami, the Austami and the Navami; and on the fourth day, the Dashami, the image is immersed in the water ofa tank or a river. We will write a custom essay sample on Durga Puja or any similar topic only for you Order Now The image is worshipped along with those of other deities like Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesh and Kartikeya. The frame, on which the said images are installed, contains also the image of Asura (demon) and the lion, the vehicle of goddess Durga. There is also a rat at the feet of Ganesh. There is a chal-chitra which is a circular canvas of mat containing paintings of heavenly scenes placed at the back of the idols. The entire frame of the gods and goddesses is placed on a raised platform or altar made of wooden plunks. The mandap is decorated savilion with beautiful illumination. Every evening, the priest performs aarati, or greets goddess by waiving lamps and incense in accompani ment of the beating of drums, while the puja (worship) is Suring this great festival’ the Hindus buy new clothes for their near and dear ones- They want to forget their past differences with their rivals enemies- After the immersion, on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami, the Hindus embrace one another as a token of love and affection, and distribute sweets among all. Durga Puja is now-a- days more a festival than a religious rite. Sometimes the non-Hindus are also found to participate in the festival as a social gesture. Durga Puja is more popular in Bengal. It is performed with more pomp and grandeur here than in any other state of India. People from neighbouring states come to Calcutta during the time, in order to witness the attractive puja pavilion. Durga Puja is also held at Delhi, Bombay, Madras and other in important cities and towns of India, and also the villages. Durga Puja was first performed in Bengal by a Zaminder (landlord). Then it came to be popular with the introduction of the sarvoJanin pujas performed with the Joint effort of about twelve Zaminders; and hence it is called barwari (twelve years or friends). Now-a-days, Durga Puja is also held at London and New York, where the Indians perform the puja every year. Mother Goddess Durga is considered as the most powerful goddess who is the bestower of strength, prosperity and all the best gifts in life. So the devotees pray to Her for various boons. She killed the demon king Mahishasura who had been troubling the gods and goddesses and occupied Indra’s throne in heaven. So the Mahisasuramardini. The legend is incorporated in Sri Sri Chand’, a chapter in the Markandeya Purana composed by sage Markandeya. How to cite Durga Puja, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Evolution of Supply Chains and Logistics Operations †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Evolution of Supply Chains and Logistics Operations. Answer: Introduction The term supply chain management is related with the flow of goods and services. It is the systematic and co-ordinated mechanisms of supplying goods and products to the end consumers. The prime operations are the movement and storage of materials or goods, inventory which is work in progress and also the delivery of finished goods to the destination point. The term supply chain management is referred to an integral concept for every business organization as it enables to optimize and increases the efficiency of the operations and speed of the work flow. The below executed analysis has been summarized on the supply chain management adopted by Toyota which is an Automobile manufacturing corporation. The business entity is one of the leading brand names in offering automobiles all over the world. The report mainly concentrates on the flow of supply chain system for the organization (Fredendall, Letmathe, Uebe-Emden, 2016). Toyota Motor Corporation has been ranked as one of the leading multinational automobiles manufacturing business entity of Japan. The company is headquartered in Aichi, Japan. The employees of this company are 364,445 approximately worldwide. Akio Toyoda is the present CEO of Toyota Company. It is the fifth largest company in all over the world in the context of revenues. As of now, Toyota is the largest automotive manufacturer company in all over the world. It was first automobile manufacturer that produced more than 10 million vehicles per year. Toyota Car Manufacturer Company has been using its principles to manufacture the reliable car as well as sustainable development of society through occupies innovative and super quality products and services (Bhasin, 2016). Further, it shall be noted that Toyota is using the differentiated cost and low cost techniques in their organization process so as to gain competitive advantage in the target market. The philosophy which runs in the mind of the management of Toyota is people and perfection. It states that the tools and techniques shall be designed in such a way that it assists the working of the people and help them to improve their abilities as well. Like, the one piece flow is most prominent in the company which rapidly surfaces the fast solutions required (Sindi, Roe, 2017). Key Flows of Supply Chain Supply chain management refers to the organized flow of goods, services, material and information in the internal and external environment of the organization which relates to the suppliers, distributors, and consumers. This process mainly lays stress on the flow of information, product, cash and return flow of goods as well. This process helps the organization to initiate a systematic flow of goods and services in the organization which also initiates effective flow of work as well. This organized activity is one of the major reasons for the rise up in the level of satisfaction of customers as well. Along with the creation of brand images, such techniques also help the organization in analyzing and evaluation the threats and opportunities present in the market (Christopher, et. al., 2017). Further, the ways in which Toyota applies the supply chain strategies are discussed below: Information flow can be regarded as one of the most important aspects of the supply chain management process in the organization. As this flow help the management of the company to supply the detailed information about the tasks which are to be done and the targets of the company. Also, this flow helps the management to gain knowledge about the trends present in external environment and issues of lower level management as well. Toyota initiated information flow which involved quotation of prices, demand, product description, change demand, purchases of raw material, requests and feedback from customers and grievances sought. The company displayed their product in front of all the people present in the market (internal and external); along with which they also issue various linked with the product such as price quoted, availability, material used etc. The quotation of the company effective in increasing the sales as it gave heavy discounts which attracted the prospective buyers presen t in the market. Also, the management published the entire information on social media websites as well so as to generate authenticity of their work and gain the trust of customers (Bhasin, 2016). The flow of goods and services from the manufacturer to the prospective customers is called product flow. The product flow shall be initiated in a systematic manner so as to meet the demand of customers present in the market. Toyota developed Toyota Production System (TPS) which is an integrated tool of socio-technical system which assists the management in organization flow of work. The company initiates to reduce the costs of the product and thus enhance the demand. In relation to which this process aptly helped the company, as it managed interaction logistics of the company including interaction with customers and suppliers as well. The production flow of the company was divided into two aspects that are just in time and Jidoka which displayed their own characteristics (Matsuo, 2015). The company manages the cash flow process wisely and effectively. The cash flow statement of Toyota gives a view about the cash transactions made by the company. The company recorded all the cash transactions which helped them to accurately foresee all the payments made and receipts received by the company. In Toyota, the management normally expects up to 3% to 4% price reduction price reduction after every year after launching the new model (Matsuo, 2015). The company uses both inbound and outbound logistics techniques for handling the flow of returned goods in the organization. Further, there is two operation managed by the organization for returned goods. First one is related to the local suppliers and part of transport in the organization and the second one relates to the relation of the company with the manufacturers and delivering of logistic services. Also, the outbound services of the company are considered as product distribution (Schaltegger, Burritt, 2014). Thus it is recommended to Toyota that the company shall pay more focus on their return flow structure so as to increase the level of satisfaction of customer. Also, management shall provide after sale services which shall enhance the image of the company currently present in the market (Agus, Ahmad, 2017). The Make Process The production planning process is an important aspect for the company Toyota as it decides the product, sourcing, planning, and design of the products according to the trends present in the target market. The production process of Toyota is discussed below: Product, planning, and design design for flexibility design for logistics Purchasing annual sales and operational planning process (Stadtler, 2015) It has been evaluated that most of the costs of the company (80%) are incurred at the manufacturing stage the production system used by Toyota is enhancing its production system by eliminating the waste and making the production system more efficient and effective. just in time and Jidoka are the two process used in the manufacturing process of the organization to add value to the goods. Jidoka is technical software which analyses the actions which shall be implemented by the organization and works on them by eliminating the errors in the different stages of production. The machinery used in the manufacturing process have the skills to analyze the issues and prevent them from occurring in the organization (Swink, et. al., 2014). A display board naming andon is used to display such issues and provide information regarding the issues and its solutions. Whereas, just in time refers to the process of making the product only when it is actually demanded in the market. Toyota mainly focuse s on delivering the new collection at the right time in the right market and with the right quantity so that the products face no hindrance and initiates sales with time. The Kanban system resent in Toyota helps the organization to centralize the just in time process and develop a method to restock the parts to the line side (Tang, Musa, 2011). Master Production Scheduling (MPS) Master production scheduling is a planning process developed by the companies to manage the staff and handle the inventory used in the production process as well. With the help of this process, the cost of production is reduced making the product cost effective and efficient as well. Toyota uses highly integrated plant which represents the flow and production of vehicle from the Toyota plant. This production schedule of Toyota is developed every month from the sales order to forecast. The initial step of supply chain is process is to utilize the sales order and number the vehicles accordingly. With the help of this process, the products are given reference numbers which show their product slot. Later the vehicle identification number is used to differentiate the unique vehicles sold by Toyota (Roscoe, Baker, 2014). Thus, it shall be recommended to the company Toyota that they shall apply various strategies to the supply chain management process so as to resolve various issues and complaints faced by customers and other people resent in the market. The company needs to regularly maintain the check on their products that they are being served according to the standard quality or not. If the company divides the work according to per tier working to the employees, then it will enhance their skills and will also improve the quality of products as well (Ross, 2013). Demand forecasting and Planning Process The management of Toyota mainly lays stress on the demand forecasting and the demand planning in the supply chain management process. Technology and innovation are the tools which play the major role in assisting the organization with this process. The company aims to maximize the level of satisfaction of the customer by providing them vehicles according to their expectations. For that purpose, the management of the company successfully forecasts the demand of the product present in the environment; they analyse the barriers present in the target market and the actual demand and supply of the current target market. According to this data, the company produces the customized vehicles and names them accordingly so that differentiation is created in the mind of employees and customers as well (Lu, Swaminathan, 2015). Market place, public conditions, system improbability are the few factors which are being overlooked. Since the company produces the products which are modern and differen t specification also, so it cost more due to its differentiated features. For, that purpose it is important for the company to accurately evaluate the demand of the customized products of the company and then create such valuable vehicles because if such vehicles are supplied more than demanded then it will lose its identity. Thus, demand forecasting and planning are one of the major tasks which shall be focused on the management (Shafiq, et. al., 2016). Recommendations It is recommended to the company that they shall lay more focus on the demand forecasting process and the actual requirements of the customers and prospective buyer with this information it will become easier for the company to develop the products and satisfy their expectations as well. Apart from that the technology used by the organization shall be used wisely so that no wrong interpretation is made by the management. Lastly, all the function implemented in the organization shall coordinate with each other so as to create competence in that target market (Brandenburg, et. al., 2014). Conclusion Thus in the limelight of above mentioned events, the facts that shall be noted is that Toyota is one of the most prominent manufacturing company which has effective production system as well. Also, the supply chain management process helps the company to ace the market as well. The process initially supplies all the information relating to the flow of good, quantity of raw material, quality of final goods, needs of customers etc. to the workforce of the company on the basis of which they can work effectively. Further, the report covered the key flow of supply chain, the making process of vehicles and demand forecasting of Toyota vehicles in adequate target market. References Agus, A., Ahmad, S. (2017). The Significant Impact of Customer Relations Practices (CRP), Information Technology (IT) and Information Sharing between Supply Chain Partners (IS) on Product Sales.Gading Journal for the Social Sciences,12(01), 65-85. Bhasin, H, (2016). Marketing mix of Toyota Toyota Marketing mix. Retrieved on 13th November 2017 from: https://www.marketing91.com/marketing-mix-toyota/. Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. and Seuring, S. (2014). Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions, European Journal of Operational Research, 233(2), pp.299-312. Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Christopher, M., Christopher, M., Holweg, M., Holweg, M. (2017). Supply chain 2.0 revisited: a framework for managing volatility-induced risk in the supply chain.International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,47(1), 2-17. Fredendall, L. D., Letmathe, P., Uebe-Emden, N. (2016). Supply chain management practices and intellectual property protection in China: Perceptions of Mittelstand managers.International Journal of Operations Production Management,36(2), 135-163. Kinaxis, (2010). Why dont you have a supply chain risk management process in place? Retrieved on 13th November 2017 https://community.kinaxis.com/blogs/21st-century-supply-chain/2010/02 Lu, L. X., Swaminathan, J. M. (2015). Supply chain management. Matsuo, H. (2015). Implications of the Tohoku earthquake for Toyota? s coordination mechanism: Supply chain disruption of automotive semiconductors.International Journal of Production Economics,161, 217-227. Roscoe, S., Baker, P. (2014). Supply chain segmentation in the sporting goods industry. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 17(2), 136-155. Ross, D. F. (2013). Competing through supply chain management: creating market-winning strategies through supply chain partnerships. Springer Science Business Media. Schaltegger, S., Burritt, R. (2014). Measuring and managing sustainability performance of supply chains: Review and sustainability supply chain management framework.Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,19(3), 232-241. Shafiq, A., Johnson, F., Klassen, R. D., Awaysheh, A. (2016, January). The Impact of Supply Risk on Sustainability Monitoring Practices and Performance. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 17571). Academy of Management. Sindi, S., Roe, M. (2017). The Evolution of Supply Chains and Logistics. InStrategic Supply Chain Management(pp. 7-25). Springer International Publishing. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28), Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Swink, M., Melnyk, S.A., Cooper, M.B. Hartley, J.L. (2014). Managing operations across the supply chain(pp. 248-249), New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Tang, O., Musa, S. N. (2011). Identifying risk issues and research advancements in supply chain risk management. International journal of production economics, 133(1), 25-34.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Synesthesia free essay sample

One in every one hundred thousand people is diagnosed with synesthesia. Many people don’t even know what this mental illness is. If they did there would probably be more cases of people coming out telling the world what they have. What is synesthesia? Well, it’s defined as â€Å"senses coming together.† It pretty much means that their senses are mixed instead of separated. In a synesthete’s brain when someone hears a sound, he or she immediately sees a color or shape in his or her â€Å"minds eye.† Synesthesia is involuntary but elicited. It is also irrepressible, which means they don’t have to trigger the secondary sensory experience consciously. They cannot control it. There are about thirty-five different subtypes such as taste hearing, sound touch and so on. The most common is color-graphemic, where letters and numbers, produce certain colors, simple patterns, and color-auditory. Color-auditory includes voices, music, and random noise pro duce colors, textures, and shapes. We will write a custom essay sample on The Synesthesia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What are synesthetes like? Well, most of them do not even know they have something wrong. They believe everyone experiences the same thing they are. They don’t recognize they are different until they’re older. Most synesthetes are women roughly two to one. Most of them have a relative that are also synesthetic, which makes us believe that it could be inherited. They are usually very artistic and creative. They also have a very good memory. Many people think that it is very confusing for them walking around constantly seeing shapes, colors, and patterns. The truth is it’s not. They often enjoy their synesthesia. They adapt to it just like we do. See, we think they might have a problem but, they don’t understand how we can learn without what they see. So the feeling is mutual. The only time they are bothered by it is when a stimulus produces synesthetic experience they don’t like. Such as with color-graphemic they might not like a letter because an u gly color is associated with it. It would also be hard because for a color-graphemic it might confuse them if a really boring person has a vibrant name. Synesthesia is a very uncommon disorder but also kind of unique. I would like to vision things like a synesthete just to see what it would be like. How could you be sad or mad all the time while seeing beautiful colors, shapes, and patterns everywhere? That also goes both ways, how could u be happy seeing sad colors, shapes, and patterns. Synesthesia has its ups and downs. Hopefully we do more research on this topic because it is very extraordinary.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Quotes

'The Adventure of Tom Sawyer' Quotes The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a novel by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens). The book is a Bildungsroman, following the development of a young boy, as he experiences one adventure after another. Mark Twains work is told in the third person, looking back with a sense of nostalgia. Here are a few quotes from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. I aint doing my duty by that boy, and thats the Lords truth, goodness knows. Spare the rod and spile the child, as the Good Book says. Im a-laying up sin and suffering for us both, I know. Hes full of the Old Scratch, but laws-a-me! hes my own dead sisters boy, poor thing, and I aint got the heart to lash him, somehow. Every time I let him off, my conscience does hurt me so, and every time I hit him my old heart most breaks.- Mark Twain, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 1He was not the Model Boy of the village. He knew the model boy very well thoughand loathed him.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 1Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2He had discovered a great law of human action , without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2 Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2Tom was a glittering hero once more-the pet of the old, the envy of the young. His name even went into immortal print, for the village paper magnified him. There were some that believed he would be President, yet, if he escaped hanging.- Mark Twain, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2Often, the less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 5The minister gave out his text and droned along monotonously through an argument that was so prosy that many a head by and by began to nod - and yet it was an argument that dealt in limitless fire and brimstone and thinned the predestined elect down to a company so small as to be hardly worth the saving.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 5Huckleberry was cordially hated and dreaded by all the m others of the town because he was idle, and lawless, and vulgar, and bad - and because all their children admired him so, and delighted in his forbidden society, and wished they dared to be like him.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 6   You only just tell a boy you wont ever have anybody but him, ever ever ever, and then you kiss and thats all. Anybody can do it.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 7The elastic heart of youth cannot be compressed into one constrained shape long at a time.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 8They said they would rather be outlaws a year in Sherwood Forest than President of the United States forever.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 8Five years ago you drove me away from your fathers kitchen one night, when I come to ask for something to eat, and you said I warnt there for any good; and when I swore Id get even with you if it took a hundred years, your father had me jailed for a vagrant. Did you think Id forget? The Injun blood aint in me for nothing. And now Ive got you, and you got to settle, you know!- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 9Oh, they just have a bully time - take ships, and burn them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where theres ghosts and things to watch, it, and kill everybody in the ships - make em walk a plank. they dont kill the women - theyre too noble. And the womens always beautiful, too.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 13 There was no getting around the stubborn fact that taking sweetmeats was only hooking, while taking bacon and hams and such valuables was plain simple stealing - and there was a command against that in the Bible. So they inwardly resolved that so long as they remained in the business, their piracies should not again be sullied with the crime of stealing.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 13Here was a gorgeous triumph; they were missed; they were mourned; hearts were breaking on their account; tears were being shed; accusing memories of unkindnesses to these poor lost lads were rising up, and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged: and best of all, the departed were the talk of the whole town, and the envy of all the boys, as far as this dazzling notoriety was concerned. This was fine. It was worth being a pirate, after all.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 14As the service proceeded, the clergyman drew such pictures of the graces, the winning ways, and the rare promise of the lost lads, that every soul there, thinking he recognized these pictures, felt a pang in remembering that he had persistently blinded himself to them always before, and had as persistently seen only faults and flaws in the poor boys.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 17 What a hero Tom was become now! He did not go skipping and prancing, but moved with a dignified swagger, as became a pirate who felt that the public eye was on him. And indeed it was; he tried not to seem to see the looks or hear the remarks as he passed along, but they were food and drink to him.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 18I could forgive the boy, now, if hed committed a million sins!- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 19Huck Finns wealth and the fact that he was now under the Widow Douglass protection introduced him into society-no, dragged him into it, hurled him into it-and his sufferings were almost more than he could bear. The widows servants kept him clean and neat, combed and brushed... He had to eat with knife and fork; he had to use napkin, cup, and plate; he had to learn his book, he had to go to church; he had to talk so properly that speech was become insipid in his mouth; whithersoever he turned, the bars and shackles of civilization shut him in and bound him hand and foot.- Mark Twain, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 35 Study Guide The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Review

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Difference Between the High School System and Graduate Research Paper

The Difference Between the High School System and Graduate Institutions - Research Paper Example One of the similarities of the different college-level paths is that each enhances the communication ability of the students in the level of advancement. However, the higher the level, the more advanced the communication. Students from graduate level have better communication compared to the other levels considering that it is the highest of all, therefore, the environment ensuring that individuals advance in their written and oral communication mechanics and techniques (Kis and Park, 2012). Additionally, the college and graduate levels usually offer specialized education system in which students in such institutions study in various fields and areas of specialization, making them more informed on the various study topics in which the students are specialized (Kis and Park, 2012). In the case of high school; however, students study many subject areas with little or no specialization in a particular field. The approach of education in such a perspective limits the aspect of identifyin g the strengths and weaknesses of a student in a particular field of study (McCauley, 2007). Advanced placement institutions usually offer a similar curriculum to that of the high school, only that the exemplary students get an opportunity to take examinations approved by the board. Such an aspect enhances the student’s understanding of the different subject areas examined. Despite being affiliated to the high school curriculum, Advanced Placement colleges offer specialized examinations to its students, bringing about an aspect of specialization as observed in the case of colleges and graduate institutions.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hersey Blanchard Theory a case study application Coursework

Hersey Blanchard Theory a case study application - Coursework Example Alex and Stephanie are students who work in a supermarket (part-time) to supplement their income. Alex is stuck in the produce department (as per his boss, Dan’s style and approach), while Stephanie is assigned to different tasks by her boss Jonathan. Moreover, one of Alex’s colleagues gets paid more (for the same task) because she pleases her boss by saying complimentary comments to him. Jonathan is friendly, relaxed and easy to work with. Stephanie is highly excited to work in the culinary centre where she (and her colleagues) helps customers to create new and innovative recipes for their customers. The end result is that Alex is bored with his job while on the other hand Stephanie looks forward to her work. The Hersey Blanchard Theory: The Hersey Blanchard Theory is a situational approach to leadership. It is indicative of the psychological and job maturity levels of employees. (Muralidharan, 2009, 63). Situational leadership in management circles means, adjusting approach to employees according to their maturity or readiness levels. The Theory categorizes four types of employees termed as R1, R2, R3, and R4 according to their attitudes and approach to work (Robbins, & Coulter, 2009, 63). R1 level of maturity indicates low maturity. In this instance, the employee is unwilling or unable to follow orders, or even due to insecurity and lack of confidence in their abilities. In case an employee is categorized as R2, he or she will be willing to follow the leader and have a high level of personal confidence. But they may lack the ability or skill to do a job allotted to them. They will be confident about any task or job they have already mastered, but lack the sufficient skills and ability to perform new ones. R3 indica tes a situation that is directly opposite to R2. In this instance the employee has the ability, skill and confidence to undertake a specific job or task, but is unwilling to follow orders. R4 level employees are confident, willing, and ready to take up responsibility. They have high levels of job and psychological maturity. These are the four situations that managers (and supervisors) face in the work place regarding employee attitudes, and the reason why the Hersey Blanchard Theory is referred to as situational. It is up the manager to identify these traits and manage according to the situation at hand. The theory then provides four leadership approaches that will be suitable to handle each of these situations referred to as S1, S2, S3, and S4 (DuBrin, 2005, 144). S1 – Telling: As the term indicates, the manager simply tells or orders (autocratic) the employee to do a certain job or task. S2 – Selling: This is similar to S1, but here the manager uses a persuasive (or selling) approach. S3 – Participating: There is a high degree of participation and interaction between the manager and the employee. Employees are free to voice their opinions and suggestions which will be seriously considered by the manager. S4 – Delegating: Here the manager delegates employees to undertake their duties and will not interfere in their activities unless absolutely necessary. All that is required is that the manger be kept informed about the progress or completion of the duties (tasks/jobs) assigned. Hersey Blanchard Theory applied to the case study: With regard to Dan it can be said that he can be categorized as an R3 employee. He appears confident, but not happy in his current position. It could be out of boredom and the difference in pay scales (mentioned in case study). But there is no mention about

Monday, November 18, 2019

Play and Childrens development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Play and Childrens development - Research Paper Example Why play is reducing among children Parents are thought to contribute to the reduction in play among children. It is evident that some parents tend to force the children to concentrate much on the books without giving them time to play. Their intentions for doing this are normally to ensure the child performs well in schools. Research also suggests that increased exposure of children to the television also makes them lack enough time to play. The enhancement of technology has also affect child play. This is because with the introduction of computer games most children have preferred to play such games, instead of engaging in physical play that can be beneficial to their health ((Berne, 49). Play has normally proved to have some benefits towards the development of a child. One of the importance of play in child development is that play normally allows children to use their creativity. Creativity is normally in born, and in doing this, children are normally in a position to develop their dexterity, their imaginations, and their cognitive, emotional and physical strength. Research suggests that play is of immense importance for the development of the brain in kids. This is because when children are given an opportunity to play, they are normally in a position to interact with the world around them. To ensure the effective development of a child through play, it is essential that play among children becomes undirected. This is because it is through this that the children normally learn the importance of group work, and sharing. Play also enables children to learn how to negotiate with each other when faced with

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Penang Island As A Popular Tourist Destination

Penang Island As A Popular Tourist Destination Penang Island or also known by the name of Pearl of the Orient is a small island located in the north-western coast of Peninsular Malaysia covering 285 sq Km and also a narrow strip comprising 760 sq km over on the mainland known as Seberang Perai. . Also known to be a melting pot for culture and religion, Penang has a estimated population of almost 1 million with a healthy mix of all major races in Malaysia with the Malays 32%, the Chinese 59% and the Indians 7%. With the different cultures and religion Penang is rich in heritage and culture which projects as a kaleidoscope of festivals and a variety of celebrations throughout the year (travelmasti,2011). This makes Penang one of the most visited states in Malaysia as a tourism spots. Tourism is considered one of the main mechanism that drives the economy and bringing in better yields for the state. The history of Penang backdates to as early as the 16th century where Portuguese traders sailing from Goa, India to the Far East in search for spices as well as to replenish their supply of food and water to continue their journey. They then named the island Pulo Pinaom which translates as Betel Nut Island. This is because of the abundant supply of areca nut palm trees available. These trees are called Pinang by the local Malays (Tourism Penang, 2010). It was during the 18th century, when the British took interest in the island to service them as a port for ship repairs and a good source of supply to spice and opium that was considered a lucrative and valuable trade at that time. Penang, whose originally was under the Sultanate of Kedah was then offered by the Sultan of Kedah to the British in exchange for protection against their enemy but did not receive any agreement by the superiors in the East India Company. However, on 11th August 1876, Captain Francis Light in order to secure Penang Island as port for the British, made an agreement with the Sultan of Kedah by agreeing to offer protection to Kedah against their enemy without the consent of the company thus making the agreement null. In 1781, a treaty was signed between the Sultan of Kedah and British whereby, an honorarium of 6000 Spanish dollars per annum will be paid to the Sultan which later changed to 10000 Spanish dollars in exchange for the island which was later rename d as the Prince of Wales Island. This amount is still paid by the Malaysia Federal Government till today. One of the main heritage sites in Penang today is the Fort Cornwallis as it is the site where the Union Jack was raised. The first township was established nearby called Georgetown. Georgetown was mainly made up of four main streets that existed till today such as Beach Street, Light Street, Pitt Street now known as Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling and lastly, Chulia Street(Malaysian Explorer, 2008). Achieving UNESCO Heritage Status Finally, on 7th July 2008, after 12 long years of assessment after applying, Penang Island has finally achieved its recognition as one of the UNESCO Heritage Status together with the state of Malacca where its uniqueness in architectural and cultural landscape in it towns makes it so special compared to any other places (Malaysian Explorer, 2008) The title has enabled the state to promote to use it as a new branding while boosting the tourism industry and the states economy. In the year of 2008 , Penang has experienced a good year as the state managed to bring in a total amount of 6.3 million tourist based on hotel sources excluding tourist that arrive by arrive by cruises and those staying friends and family compared to the year before with a total number of 5.2 million tourist in the previous year(Penangtourism,2009).This status has enabled Penang to attract enthusiastic travelers around the world by giving them an new option of destination to visit. The recognition of UNESCO Heritage status is an international acknowledgement that highlights the global significance of that particular area. This is a symbol of honour Penang and great privilege that will able to contribute to its social and economic sector. With the great impact that the status is able to deliver, to be able to be listed in the World Heritage List is therefore, very selective. Attaining this recognition is not a one off award as there are guidelines and responsibilities that have to be followed from time to time in order to maintain the status as it can be revoked. Penang has spend a total of 12 years in order to achieve this recognition which both time consuming and costly to maintain conservation of the sites this the commitment and responsibility to maintain this status should not be handled lightly( Penang Tourism, 2009). 1.3. Contributions By conducting this study, the Penang tourism board will be able to it measure the interest and trends of travelers that are fast changing as time passes. Demands to visit and learn more about heritage sites are increasing as awareness and appreciation for these sites are instilled into the younger generation which are inherited by the older generation. These heritages are rich with the roots of culture and the achievements that contribute to what Penang is today. With the world economic down, disaster, climate and possible treats like terrorism people are switching their travelling options to cheaper, safer the offers an equal value for money tourism spots which enhance the shifting of trends towards tourism heritage. This is because tourism has always been one of the most resilient industries in the world despite any given situations (Koehl,2002). With the extra branding heritage status, this offers the best opportunity that offers Penang an extra edge to boost and maximize the benefits to boosts its economy in terms of revenue and employment.( Imons, et al.n.d). With the given opportunity and resources that is available, it is also reflects importance of the cooperation and private and government organizations that cooperate with each other in order to double the effort to maximize the benefits for both parties. This is because there is a positive relationship between state, tourism industry, locals and tourist. Problem Statement The effort to attain the UNESCO Heritage Site status was not easily obtained within a short period of time but has gone through a series of application and also a strict scrutinizing evaluation process which takes up to 12 years of With the contribution in income and benefits that Penang is able to generate from status of UNESCO Heritage Site, there are several problem statement such as, is Penang able to maintain the status of its trump card in the long run as this status can be revoked if not properly maintained according to the criteria and requirement set by the organization itself so that a clear line could be adhered to avoid unwanted development in the core zones within the heritage enclaves.(Penang Economic Monthly,2009) Cooperation between the state government and the tourism board has to be synchronized and properly planned is important to ensure that development plan for the state does not clash with the conditions and guidelines drafted by UNESCO in order to avoid the heritage status from being revoked. Proper funds need to be allocated in so that maintenance and restoration jobs can be executed from time to time as restoration process in for these heritage buildings require special labour skills that not many is able to perform and different kind of materials in order to preserve the original style of the buildings. This will result in a higher cost to maintain them thus making fund a vital part in maintaining this status Research Question The research question for this research is as follows : 1. Which are the main perspectives that play the main role in attracting tourist to visit Penang? 2. What are the current interest that tourist are looking for? 3. Are the events organized and held interesting and informative enough for the tourist? 4. How is the quality of services offered by staffs in the places of attraction that are visited? 5. Are the tour packages offered enough to fulfill the demands of the tourist? 6. What is the satisfaction level of tourist towards the heritage sites in Penang? 7. Was Penang able to deliver and offer a money satisfying trip to its tourist? Chapter 2 Literature review As one of the new upcoming heritage tourism sites, armed with the richness and uniqueness of its own heritage compared to other places in the world, Penang has all the opportunity and resources to promote and market its tourism industry globally but in order to succeed, it is important to imply an effective economic framework for any decision making process that is able to help the state government in planning and implementation. This is important as each decision varies as each tourism sector differs from one another as well as the impact of it that reflects differently on the culture, people and the economy of the place. Therefore, a suggestion in extensions of micro economic models such as ecological economics is highly encouraged to cater to the constant changes in trends of tourist demand towards a destination and to enable a certain tourist spot to maintain a sustainable market demand that is crucial to in boosting the economy (Tourism and Hospitality Research,2010). Tourism is always considered an industry that can be easily affected by a incidents happening around it such as terrorism, epidermis treats, natural disaster and many more but has always maintain as one of the strongest industry that brings in a major role of keeping the revenue coming in. This is because, trends and preference may change from time to time but not reduced. Therefore, it is vital for Penang tourism to keep track of the changes in current trends and demand, recognize the opportunity and implication to the state as a great competitive step in maintaining its sustainability (Bailey,2010) However, by any means of promoting a certain heritage site as a tourism spot, there are also concerns about the speeding up in deterioration of the sites which means it clashes with the main aim UNESCOs mission to preserve and conserve the heritage area that is considered a legacy that is handed down by past generations. This is an issue that is a huge concern as heritage sites are places from the past that is irreplaceable and restoration works are costly as it takes special skilled labour and specific materials to maintain its original structure and style (Harrison,2005). Compared to the past, where heritage sites are rarely heard and received only a small niche of demand my visitors, with the awareness and curiosity of travelers to gain knowledge, heritages sites around the world is fast gaining popularity thus

Thursday, November 14, 2019

verizon center :: essays research papers

Building facilities like the Verizon Wireless arena and other large sporting and special event venues can be costly. The cost of the Verizon Wireless Arena cost roughly $60 million dollars to compose. Many factors go into this finalized $60 million dollar facility, such as the cost per square foot, the cost per A and B space, and operational costs. To figure out how much money goes into the arena, it is important to keep track of how much income is generated and what forms of marketing and fundraising are done to promote and create profit for the facility. The Verizon Wireless arena has 230,000 sq. feet, which makes the cost of the facility, $260.87 per square foot. There is a vast amount of costs associated with the operation of the arena, for example: The furniture, fixtures, and equipment purchases- everything from the folding chairs, tables, basketball court, hand tools in the shop, office computers, Zambonis and the scoreboard are just some of the items off a list that is seven pages long in very small print. Other overhead costs include water, sewerage, electricity, phone service, internet access, natural gas, cable TV, staff salaries, and benefit packages. In order to upkeep all the equipment and technology the facility has daily operational costs, these include: labor and materials to repair damage, upgrading of current systems, maintain capitol equipment and perform preventative maintenance. In addition, each event within itself has its own related costs such as: labor and material that are requested by the event that are used exclusively for the event, for example: propane gases for pyro special effects, business equipment the show needs that we rent locally (copiers, fax machines, etc.), labor to convert the facility from hockey to concert mode, event housekeeping, event staff (security, ushers, supervisors, ticket takers, etc.). In order to stay in business a facility must make a great amount of income to flourish in its industry. There are many forms of incoming profits from many sectors of the arena. The most important form is Patron generated sales: tickets, premium seat packages these packages are VIP suites, party suites and club seating. Food and Beverage help to keep the customers satisfied while being entertained by events and is a big money maker. Merchandise is sold at each event and the arena even has its own store for Monarch hockey gear and the football arena team the Wolves sell souvenirs as well.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Physical Education Is Important

DyEsha Robinson EDU 460 Motivational Paper September 23, 2009 Educators across the country are worried that kids aren't getting enough physical fitness. Kids in elementary school may be getting a lot of their activity on the playground at recess instead of P. E. classes. Most grade schools don't have P. E. teachers. Regular teachers can teach the kids physical education, but the state says many of them don't feel equipped to do that. Statistics prove more kids are becoming inactive and overweight. Among youth six to 19 years old, 16-percent are overweight. That's more than 9-million kids across the country. To compound the problem, state officials say as schools strive to meet intense academic standards with programs like â€Å"No Child Left Behind†, schools are de-emphasizing P. E. P. E. encourages kids to find something active they love to do, like dancing, swimming, hiking, even skateboarding, because then they're more likely to develop healthy habits. Put simply, at a time when every penny is being pinched by every school in every district in every county in every state, physical education is taking a beating. The experts and educators say there is no doubt that the erosion of P. E. has been a major contributor to the skyrocketing obesity rates. And, of course, the more kids are unhealthy, the less they can exercise. This is their circle of life. Improving children's health may not be a convincing rationale for school administrators. A big argument for cutting back on P. E. is that it wastes time that kids need to be spending in academics, and that it will reduce test scores, which is the death knell for schools. But a studies show that spending more time in P. E. does not interfere with academic achievement. In fact, in some studies, including ours, there is some evidence that it might even improve academic achievement. Other studies have shown that P. E. boosts brainpower (attention, test-score fanatics) if it's done right. That may be the key to fighting obesity as well—instead of just changing the amount of P. E. kids get, change the type. Learning to manage children's behavior in the outdoor environment might help with classroom management inside. Going outside and participating in a physical activity provides a break from the brain drain of sitting in the desk, so perhaps the teacher benefits as much as the students and everyone goes back in more refreshed and with a more positive attitude. The U. S. Department of Education contends in a newly released study that 99 percent of public elementary schools have some type of physical education built into their curriculum in 2005. But how often students actually engaged in physical activity varies widely. Between 17 and 22 percent of students attended P. E. each school day. Another 11 to 14 percent scheduled P. E. three or four days a week and 22 percent scheduled P. E. one day a week. Exercise creates more alertness in a classroom situation. It stimulates more of the natural uppers in brain, like dopamine, and it improves working memory and problem solving skills. Sources http://www. cnn. com/2006/HEALTH/08/20/PE. NCLB/index. html http://www. newsweek. com/id/130621? digg=1 http://rwjf. org/pr/product. jsp? id=20811 http://help. senate. gov/Hearings/2004_10_05/destefano. http://sports. espn. go. com/espn/otl/news/story? id=4015831

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Creating a Plan for a Culturally Diverse Essay

In the classrooms and schools today, cultural diversity is rising. The biggest challenge for teachers in our schools today and within the classrooms is how to amend their curriculum to meet all the needs of the students in the relation of culture. For a teacher in a multicultural diverse classroom, a teacher needs to augment their cultural understanding, shape their curriculum so that it is culturally related to all their students in the classroom, and to use supportive learning education. With these practices in place and along with other structural planning, it is important for the precise connection between multicultural teachings of students in a classroom (Merlino, 2007). The first step to accommodating students is to enhance cultural sensitivity from diverse cultural in the classroom. This requires teachers to interpret their multicultural diverse student’s behaviors within the cultural perspective of the child (Merlino, 2007). The environment in a classroom is an essent ial part to learning. The atmosphere in the classroom helps determine the accomplishment of the lessons being taught and the student’s behavior. All students are different, and therefore it is important for all students to respect one another in order for the efficiency of a classroom to be optimized (Ganly, 2008). The importance for a teacher is that they are able to create an atmosphere of tolerance, acceptance, and caring within the classroom. This is in order to provide for all the diversified needs for all students. Living in Melbourne which is located in Florida. Melbourne is about two hours from Orlando on the east coast. The population in Melbourne is Caucasian, Hispanic, Latino, African American, German, and Asian. In Melbourne, we have Christian and Baptist churches throughout the city. We also have Catholic, Islam, and Jewish churches as well. The people who live in Melbourne are of low, high, and middle class economic status, but many of the people who live here are middle to low working class. Melbourne seems like a quite little city outside of the busy, bigger city of Orlando, which have many tourists, but we are also diverse in several ways. Practicing tolerance and acceptance in classroom provides all students with the ability to be at ease with themselves. It will also help all students to release predetermined biases and teach the students to learn more about what is within another student instead of judging the student by their appearance. The use of tolerance, acceptance, and caring provides a nice, comfortable  classroom environment for all students that can be productive for their learning experience. This will help encourage teamwork, confidence, and respect that are all a part of the key factors for a flourishing classroom environment (Ganly, 2008). To construct a tolerate, accepting, and caring classroom atmosphere for my students in my classroom, there are many things I can do as a teacher. As a teacher in Melbourne, Florida, I would make sure to discuss diversity to my students and explain why it is an important, positive lesson in the classroom. I can create lesson plans that discuss the cultures of all my students in my classroom and the cultures within in our community. I would also discuss the different religious beliefs of our community. Discussing different religious beliefs in our community to my students lets us discuss their beliefs as well from the different cultures within my classroom. Discussing to my students about students with disabilities and students who are at risk, is a very important, necessary lesson that I would teach my students. The lesson would be to help my students comprehend that these differences do not make a person less of a person; but these differences make the person just as important as all students. Discussing with my students about socioeconomic issues and how they affect all students in many ways and the differences in gender is important. I believe teaching my students about gender issues is very important because of many gender stereotypes pressure how both females and males learn, and it is important for both genders to be given equal opportunities to learn inside the classroom. Discussing these issues is to help show all of my students that every person has needs, and I would stress that it is important for all students to recognize and help each other in order to benefit themselves along with the cultures that surround them. Being a teacher, I would want to discuss and teach that the differences in people make them interesting, and by creating lesson plans that would help show my students how their own distinctive differences that will help my classroom function appropriately. My lesson plans will be in place to help my students recognize and overcome their biases. During these lessons, I would also make sure to tell all of the students what I have learned from them by understanding their culture and their beliefs, and that they can find out about themselves and improve themselves. I feel that this is important for students to be conscious of the inequalities that  exist so that they can receive the education they deserve, and they can fulfill their educational goals. For me, being a teacher, it is important to make sure that my classroom atmosphere is comfortable to ensure the productivity of all my students. Teaching my students that differences learned from, is a way to help ensure a positive, comfo rtable, caring, and successful classroom. As a teacher, I will help all my students understand biases, and I will help them be able to accept the differences of the people and the cultures around them. I believe there are many ways a teacher can incorporate diversity lessons into their classroom. Getting to know your students is important to the understanding of their individual needs. I can learn about my students by working to assemble information about my students in the beginning of the course so that I can better meet their learning needs and their goals for learning, I can incorporate the experiences of nontraditional aged students into the classroom to develop classroom discussions and learning activities, I can recognize and provide assistance for my students with any physical and learning disabilities that they may have, such as test taking accommodations, supplemental class instruction, and reading (Stanley, n.d). Other ways to help me teach my diverse classroom are to: †¢Learn about my students’ different cultural backgrounds. This can be done by informally asking them about weekend plans or as simply reading historical books about their culture. †¢Giving all of my student’s equal amounts of respect. Avoid giving privileged treatment to anyone in the class, as this can easily be misinterpreted as discrimination. †¢Realizing that a student’s sexual preference has nothing to do with his or her ability to master material and contribute to classroom discussions. I would want to play it safe and do not ask about their private lives. †¢Avoid making assumptions about students’ attentiveness based on their physical appearance and behavior. Different cultures emphasize different ways of showing respect and attention. †¢Being sensitive to the students’ lives at home. A rough or distracting home environment can affect a child’s performance in school. Giving students the benefit of the doubt an d being as understanding as I can be is important. †¢Use a wide variety of teaching strategies that accommodate different learning styles. †¢Encouraging my students to respect and enjoy their diverse cultural heritages. Creating Food days and festivals is a way to celebrate diversity and also having fun  with all students in every culture (Stanley, n.d). In order to incorporate multicultural diversity in my classroom, I will create a bulletin board that will display multicultural diversity. The bulletin board will display the different cultures and religions in my geographic area. The bulletin board will also display many occupations that the student’s parents are currently involved in throughout the surrounding areas. I will also be sure to create an atmosphere of tolerance, acceptance, and caring in my classroom. This is important because I want all of my students to feel welcomed, and valued which I believe will promote fewer impulses to act out. With the atmosphere set for my classroom, it will make my students feel accepted, they will have no reasons to worry. I want my students to feel comfortable in their environment. After all, my classroom will be their learning environment for almost a year. For my bulletin board, I want to display the different ethnic backgrounds. I will make sure that the bulletin’s border will consist of different flags from around the world. In my area, there are many different cultures but the six main cultures are African American, Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, Latino, and German. I will make sure that these flags are displayed on the border that and will be hung around the edges of my bulletin board. To display many different religions in my classroom, I will make sure that the different symbols will be displayed throughout the board. I will make sure that Christianity, Catholic, Islam, Baptist, and Jewish symbols are displayed correctly to district guidelines regarding religion in school. For my classroom bulletin board, it will also contain fun information for all of my students to learn from. This bulletin board will change every month, and it will contain all of the different cultural holidays that we as a class can celebrate each month. The bulletin board will also contain different images that are associated with these different holidays with information that describes these holidays. Within my bulletin board, I will also include the birthdays of each of my students to remind them that they are all special (Ganly, 2008). The challenge as a teacher, I will encounter in the increasingly diverse society that we have in our country today. It will require me to use many of the best practices that I know to accommodate all of my students. A culturally diverse curriculum is the necessity no matter who is sitting at the desks in my classroom. The humanity that our children  will enter when they leave my classroom will be different, by being more complex and considerably more diverse than it is today. Students that are taught to respect and be inquisitive about different cultures will eventually develop a better understanding of the cultural differences that exist all around them. With this understanding, it will help them to be enhanced citizens and be more productive members of their culture. Both teachers and students need to embrace cultural diversity. Professional, reflective practitioners need to lead the way by ensuring all students learn the suitable content within the context of their own culture and every culture (Merlino, 2007). References Ganly, S. (2008). The Benefits of Diversity in the Classroom on the Teaching Environment. Associated Content, Inc. Retrieved March 24, 2011 from www.associatedcontent.org Merlino, R. (2007). Addressing Cultural Diversity in the Classroom. Helium.com. Retrieved March 26, 2011 from www.helium.com Stanley, C. (n.d.). Teaching Tips for the Success of All Students in a Diverse Classroom. Retrieved March 30, 2011 from www.cte.tamu.edu

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Defender of the faith essays

Defender of the faith essays In the short story Defender of the faith by Phillip Roth, we are confronted with several different conflicts: man vs. himself, as Sergeant Marx is struggling to decide whether he should be a military man, or a Jewish man; man vs. man, with Grossbart constantly challenging authority and assimilation into the military; and man vs. society, as Sergeant Marx is worried about how his decisions will be received in the military community. These conflicts all lead to a general theme. The general theme being, that in life, at times, people may come in conflict with others who like to exploit certain things or situations to their own advantage. It may be hard to decide how to deal with these situations, especially if you find yourself in a situation involving a dilemma. Sergeant Marxs dilemma was, having to choose between basing his decision of acting on Grossbarts actions, on his religious principals or his military training. He comes to these dilemmas often in the story, involving minor situations such as the G.I. parties on Friday nights when Jews are supposed to go to services (132) and more serious situations such as when every single trainee was to be shipped... to the Pacific every trainee but one. (152) Grossbart was the one trainee who got himself out of having to go. Sergeant Marx, for the first part of the story, would generally try and help Grossbart, perhaps feeling slightly inclined to do so due to their religious ties; however by the end of the story, Marx has seen through Grossbarts guise and refuses to let Grossbart get away with anything else. This could happen many times in life, where when some one tries to help another, only to find that they themselves are being exploited, as well as everyone around them. All decisions in life may not always be favorable. There may be several different benefits and detriments involved in all choices. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Compare and contrast the influence on employment policy of the Essay

Compare and contrast the influence on employment policy of the European Union and NAFTA on their respective member states. Evaluate their likely impact on the practice of International HRM - Essay Example nd being two of the world’s largest economies for instance, there are widespread differences in terms of complexity in decision making process and distinctiveness in terms of policies and organizational framework. However, the existence of such apparent similarities as well as differences to certain extent do not prevent or hamper the objective of this paper that seeks to offer a comparison between the two unions. This paper examines, discusses and analyses the influence on employment policy of the European Union (EU) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on their respective member states and also the subsequent and likely impact on the practice of international HRM. It also offers an overview of the impact of EU and NAFTA’s employment policies on the labor market of their respective member states. The North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA, is a trilateral free trade deal which came into force in January 1994, which was established with an aim of eradicating the huge amount of tariffs that were levied on products or goods which formed a part of trade between the three North American countries namely Mexico, Canada and the United States1 while the European Union or the EU is a conglomeration of several sovereign states merged together for various economic benefits. The main goal of the EU is the progressive integration of Member States economic and political systems and the establishment of a single market based on the free movement of goods, people, money and services2. This paper discusses the impact of such associations on the labor market, economy, and employment and discusses key concerns faced by them. It further discusses the extent of benefits, if any, or challenges and opportunities faced by them and trace the factors that highlight the similarities as well as differences between them. The European Union is constantly facing challenges from the enlargement of the Central and Eastern European states3 on account of transition as well

Saturday, November 2, 2019

HCM337-0704B-01 Current Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues in H - Essay - 4

HCM337-0704B-01 Current Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues in H - Phase 2 Individual Project - Essay Example Lewitt Shawn, who is being treated for Arthritis for the past five months. The complaints were against both medical aide and the nurse taking care of Mr. Shawn. Since we take patient complaints very seriously, the administration department has decided to issue a detailed supervision plan for both so that no such complaints can arise in the future. The plan given below [1] takes effect from the first day of January 2008. The medical aide’s supervision plan and the nurse’s supervision plan will be subject to appraisal at the end of every month starting from the last day of January, 2008. The aides will be required to strictly abide by the ethical codes and company guidelines. In ambiguous situations, the aides are advised to take decisions based on their good judgment or in other cases ask the administration department for